RadExPro 2016.3

$ 180.00

RadExPro is a seismic processing software on Windows. It is well suited for in-depth HR/UHR marine seismic processing, real-time marine 2D/3D seismic QC, onboard fast track processing, land and marine off–line seismic QC, complete processing of near–surface seismic data (reflection, refraction, tomography, MASW) and VSP processing. We offer high–quality product for a competitive price.

The software is developed since 1992. It is being used by hundreds of geophysical and geotechnical companies in more than 50 countries all over the globe.


Marine High–Resolution Seismic Data Processing

 RadExPro is fully capable for both single–channel and multi–channel HR/UHR marine seismic data processing, either 2D or 3D. It is compatible with any type of marine sources: airgun, sparker, boomer, etc.

Advanced denoising, high–resolution offshore statics, designature (automatic wavelet estimation, deghosting, debubbling, deconvolutions), efficient demultiple algorythms for multi–channel (SRME) and even single–channel data (Zero–Offset Demultiple), 3D regularization, pre–stack and post–stack migrations—all these algorithms are available in RadExPro and are capable of improving the quality of the processing result significantly.

An experienced processor would particularly enjoy the outstanding flexibility of the software allowing even the most sophisticated processing scenarios to be easily implemented in the modern user–friendly interface—for only a fraction of the price of any big seismic processing system on the market.

Real–Time Marine Seismic Acquisition QC