Lantek Expert Cut

Product Specifications
Technical characteristics
All of the Lantek Expert Cut options are integrated into one program. Lantek Expert is fully integrated with Lantek Integra, an ERP which offers different CAD/CAM/MES/ERP solutions for the sheet metal and fabrication sector. Additionally, Lantek Expert is designed to connect to an external ERP.
Other features of Lantek Expert are:
- Teamwork – This system can work autonomously or be installed as a part of a network. By using the floating license option, multiple users can access the system.
- Time and True Cost Calculations – Lantek Expert manages all the technology of the machine and calculates time and cost by piece and by sheet.
- Parametric Parts Library – The Lantek Expert solution has a wide library of parametric parts.
- Open Database – This database is open and enables the user to access it to find parts, manufacturing orders, plates, etc. by using criteria such as: material, thickness, client, date, etc.
- 2D Design – Lantek Expert Cut has a highly efficient 2D CAD module especially created to design 2D plate parts.
- Intelligent Import/Export – Lantek Expert Cut may be linked to the major CAD systems on the market (DXF, DWG, IGES, DSTV, etc.) and may also use graphic files (jpeg, bmp, tif, gif, pcx, etc.).
- Integration – Lantek Expert works with mainstream 3D design systems (SolidWorks®, Autodesk Inventor®, Solid Edge®, Catia®, and more.)
Jobs module
Sheets module
This system provides a perfect combination of automatic, semi-automatic, and manual nesting, which provides great flexibility and optimum performance. The combination of automatic nesting, along with manual nesting functions like copy, moving, and rotating, proves to be a very powerful tool.
Lantek Expert Cut automatic nesting optimizes part arrangement on the metal sheet or plate for maximum utilization of parts and remnants.
Lantek Expert Cut automatically detects remnants in the warehouse and prioritizes their use prior to using a new sheet.
Nesting module
Lantek Expert Cut allows tables to be configured via material/thickness to define separation between parts and lead-ins/lead-outs for different types of contours and dependent on material/thickness and cutting quality. It is possible to common cut between different parts or limit to pairs of parts with micro-joints and pre-cuts. The system detects any errors in the design and machining and is completely automated.
All Lantek Expert Cut options are included in a single program. Within the same program and environment, the user can: design or import a part, consult the sheet warehouse, execute cutting sequences, generate CNC programs, and calculate time and cost.
Technology configuration
Lantek Expert Punch

Product Specifications
Management of Punches, Dies, Turrets…
Lantek Expert Punch manages Autoindex tools, MultiTool stations, and all tool types from the most standard tools to tools for forming, embossing, drilling, threading, stamping, rolling, and more.
The system takes into account the characteristics of each station of the turret punch and linear tool store.
Lantek Expert Punch offers automatic and manual nesting with great flexibility and optimum performance. The combination of automatic nesting, along with manual nesting functions such as grid copying, moving, and rotating, proves to be a very powerful tool.
Lantek Expert Punch automatic nesting optimizes part arrangement on the sheet, offering different options for common punching on regular and irregular parts.
Nesting module
Automatic Punching
The machining of geometry in Lantek Expert Punch is totally automatic in accordance with the parameters that are configured by the user and in consideration of the machine limitations. Lantek Expert Punch has advanced options which allow full flexibility for machining, whether punching is automatic or semi-automatic.
Lantek Expert Punch stands out among competitors because of the functions it gives users for carrying out common punching on regular and irregular parts. This system manages the sheet reposition automatically, depending on different strategies chosen by the user. The system also takes various optimization criteria into account, i.e., by path and by angles. The modify option provided by Lantek allows the user to easily change machining order and sequence, micro-joints, punches, and more.
The CNC file is generated automatically and can further generate expanded and sub-program output, depending on the requirements of the machine tool. The user may personalize, in an easy way, the machining of specific parts by means of machining macros for specific geometry.
Automatic punching
Component Removal
(Manual and Automatic)
Lantek Expert Punch controls all possible ways of removing parts from the sheet automatically. This includes: micro-joints, work chutes, machine stop, part picking systems, and integrated angle shear.
Component Removal
Technical Characteristics
Lantek Expert Punch options are fully integrated into one program. Lantek Expert is fully integrated with Lantek Integra, an ERP which offers different CAD/CAM/ERP solutions for the sheet metal and fabrication sector. Additionally, Lantek Expert is designed to connect to external ERP systems.
Other features of Lantek Expert Punch are:
- Teamwork – This system can work autonomously or be installed as a part of a network. By using the floating license option, multiple users can access the system.
- Parametrics Parts Library – The Lantek Expert Punch solution has a wide library of parametric parts into which the user can add their own designs.
- Open Database – This database is open and enables the user to access it to find parts, manufacturing orders, plates, etc. by using criteria such as: material, thickness, client, date, etc.
- 2D Design – Thanks to advanced geometry options, the user can design any 2D geometry easily and quickly. Included in the CAD system are options to copy, mirror, scale, verify geometry, and fix drawing discrepancies.
- Intelligent Import/Export – Lantek Expert Punch may be linked to the major CAD systems on the market (DXF, DWG, IGES, DSTV, etc.).
- Integration – Lantek Expert works with the mainstream 3D design systems (SolidWorks®, Autodesk Inventor®, Solid Edge®, Catia®, and more.)
- Time and True Cost Calculations – Lantek Expert manages all the technology of the machine and calculates time and cost by piece and by sheet. With this information, the user can create quotations, check the volume of work for each machine, and print any required reports.
Time & cost calculation
Added Technologies
(Shearing & Cutting)
Lantek Expert Punch supports both shearing and combination machines with a laser/plasma cutting head. Shearing and laser cutting are managed automatically and very easy to use.
Additional technologies
Lantek Expert Quattro

Product Specifications
Technical characteristics
- This system allows high production levels to be achieved with substantial savings on materials.
- It´s a highly useful tool for calculating the material that will be needed for the production run, and is thus of incalculable value for the supply departments.
- Automatic optimization of fabrication orders in multiple sheets. Lantek Expert Quattro minimizes the required number of different sheet formats.
- Final results are shown on the screen and printed out: printout of nests, parts list, used sheets list.
- Results can be modified interacting with different configurable parameters according to the customer´s way of work.
- Sheet stock management, control of actual sheet stocks and automatic update of the stock whenever sheets are used by the system.
- Interface to import parts from other system (i.e. DXF) and even from MRP programs (optional).
Jobs module
Maximum shearing length control, allows to configure the nesting system not to generate any cuts longer than the configured maximum shear length.
Lantek Expert Quattro allows to reuse remnants from previous nestings. Thus, substantial savings on scrap material costs can be achieved. Label list output, parts can be labelled as they are being cut in order to identify them.
Possibility to define or force parts nesting orientation for a correct layout according to the material laminate direction.
Nesting module
Lantek Expert Quattro works with a public parts data base. Thus, users can easily access and store parts data (part name up to 40 characters, plan number, customer, material, thickness, quantity, delivery time, etc.).
Lantek supplies all the information related to the data bases. Thus, any end user, there is in no need for a deep technical knowledge, can easily develop his own customized listings.
Lantek Expert Duct

Product Specifications
Technical Characteristics
- Extended library of parametric parts and HVAC figures
- 2D design. Lantek Expert Duct integrates a 2D CAD module to design any part, as well as any geometric modification of the contours. The flat pattern can then be cut or punched in Lantek Expert which considers flanges, notches, and bend lines for marking.
- Warehouses management. All parts are stored in organized databases that are easily accessible.
- Intelligent import/export. This software connects to the principal CAD systems on the market: DXF, SWG, IGES, and more.
- Time and true cost calculation. Lantek Expert calculates the weight, the cutting perimeters, and the material costs.
- Easy to use. The user only needs to select the figure and enter the data for the system to automatically develop the part. For faster production, there is also a figures editor. This allows visualization in 3D to verify the final result.
- Integration of all options. Lantek Expert Duct is fully integrated in a single program with the other modules of the Lantek Expert family. So, any modification in the part will be achieved from the same program without affecting the nesting or the cutting sequence. Further, Lantek Expert Duct is fully integrated with the Integra Management Software System. Lantek Integra offers CAD/CAM/ERP solutions for manufacturing companies that belong to the sheet metal, beam section, and tubes processing sector. Additionally, Lantek Expert is designed to connect to an external ERP.
Figure library
Data edition
Data conditioned by a variable
Lantek Expert Duct is a system which takes into account duct requirements.
The user can define the following options:
- Type of neutral axis (internal, external) with which to make calculations
- Type of joints used for the parts
- Number of sections
- Type of engraving (lines, notches, drilling, etc.) for cutting machines
- Seams and connections
- Insulators
Configure turning vanes
Configure marks
Configure junction
Configure DIN
High definition HVAC and duct figures
Lantek Expert Duct adapts perfectly to the air conditioning and ventilation industry.
The user can define the following options in this regard.
- Baffle plates. These can be made by configuring the necessary parameters in order to generate the sheets or plates.
- Library of seams, connections, flanges, etc. The user can easily define these elements graphically.
Turning vanes
Lantek Expert Duct generates listings such as:
- Listing scale 1:1 – in order to cut the part directly from the sheet
- Geometrical listing – for the development of essential points
- Design of important shapes, page by page
- Listing of all parts
- Listing of tags
- Listing of macros, insulators, etc.
Ding regulation
The figures are using DIN standard 18.379 and SMACNA. Lantek guarantees the fulfillment of the European building and construction regulations. Lantek also generates documentation and information in line with these regulations.