64-Bit Architecture and Modern Working Environment
ProtaStructure 2024 is fully compatible with 64-bit operating systems, bringing enormous advantages to speed and model management.
The modern user interface with the ribbon toolbar is designed for ease and efficiency.
True Structural BIM Modeling
Use physical objects, including trusses, beams, and slabs, to quickly and efficiently create and visualize models.
One Central Model
Build one model! ProtaStructure enables you to model complex or straightforward concrete and steel buildings quickly and easily.
Check out the Gallery Page to see some of our clients’ projects.
Leading Structural BIM Collaboration
Developed with BIM in mind, seamlessly communicate and refine models with other leading BIM systems, including Autodesk Revit, TeklaStructures, ArchiCAD, AllPlan, and latest data formats, including IFC, 2D/3D DXF, and SAF.

Automated, Flexible Loading
Save time with automatic loading, including yield line, finite element, snow, wind, seismic loading, and fully automated load combination generation. Interact with parametric elements to easily add additional loads of your choice, including soil pressure, point, moment, and line loads in any orientation.
Internationally Used Unit Systems (SI, Imperial, MKS)
Enjoy widely adopted SI, Imperial, and MKS unit systems in modeling, design, and detailing. Fine-tune the units for different quantities individually, and switch seamlessly between different unit systems on the fly.
State-of-the-art Analytical Model and Advanced Analysis Techniques
Take advantage of features including frame and shell finite elements, rigid zones, asymmetric end releases, detailed rigid and flexible diaphragm modeling, staged construction with creep and shrinkage, static, dynamic, seismic, linear, and non-linear approaches to solve both simple and complex projects.
Advanced Seismic Analysis and Design
ProtaStructure provides structural engineers with comprehensive tools to structural design and structural detail buildings quickly and economically to meet rigorous earthquake standards, including US, IBC, UBC, and EC codes of practice.
International Design Code Coverage
ProtaStructure supports a broad range of International Design Codes, including US and European standards, together with localizations to specifically support how you like to design and detail wherever you are in the world.

Automated Design
Fully automate the design of all steel, concrete, and foundations elements to a range of international codes, including British, European, US, and Seismic Standards.
Optimized for Economy
Use interactive features including auto grouping, iterative transformed section design, and merged core walls to optimize building design economy. Quickly assess a range of design alternatives to establish the most cost-effective solution for your clients.
Performance-Based Design and Building Assessment
Take advantage of new non-linear pushover and time history analysis together with performance-based design, assessment, and retrofitting of your buildings.
Detailed and Transparent Design Documentation
ProtaStructure Suite provides clear, concise, and step-by-step documentation of your design and seamless, high-quality detail drawings through ProtaDetails and ProtaSteel.
ProtaStructure 2024 brings new design reports and further enhances the existing ones.
Seamless Drawing Creation
Clear, concise documentation of all your design and seamless, high-quality drawing production using included ProtaDetails and ProtaSteel.
Manage Changes
Efficiently deal with inevitable project changes and quickly check and update your design where required.
Faster Learning Curve: In-Product Learning and Friendly Professional Support
We strive to provide our users with a great experience throughout their journey with all-in-one structural analysis and design software, ProtaStructure Suite. We aim to enrich your knowledge and provide practical, user-friendly support from our extensive online Prota Help Center to our in-product learning tutorials and documents about the most popular topics such as steel connection design, steel part and assembly drawings, structural design, building information modeling, reinforced concrete detail drawings, rebar detailing and drafting, and automated RC detail drawings. Whether it’s answering technical queries or providing hands-on training, we are here to help.

Uncover the New Features of ProtaStructure Suite 2024
ProtaStructure Suite 2024 introduces a range of new capabilities to support structural engineers in their daily practice. From practical modeling approaches to new design technologies, this software has everything you need to take your projects to the next level. With over 35 years of experience, Prota Software is proud to present the most advanced version of ProtaStructure Suite yet.
Modeling and Design Upgraded
The user interface of ProtaStructure Suite 2024 has been designed with the engineer in mind, minimizing the time spent on project delivery. New features include:
- Composite Slab Design
- Automated Rebar Layout for Arbitrary Corewalls
- Tie Beams in Foundation
Modeling and Loading Made More Practical
Easy, quick, and intuitive physical modeling capabilities of ProtaStructure have attracted many professional engineers worldwide so far. With ProtaStructure Suite 2024, we aim to even elevate this interest with more robust tools and features. Let us provide you the essential new features that will contribute to your structural modeling with ProtaStructure now!
- Foundations at different elevations (Step foundations)
- Horizontal springs in raft foundation model
- Easier merging of identical blocks
New Design Codes Introduced
ProtaStructure Suite 2024 supports a range of design and seismic codes, allowing engineers to model, analyze, design, and detail structures in accordance with their preferred codes. New codes introduced in this version include:
- Colombian Seismic Code (NSR10-A)
- Indian Seismic Code (IS 1893)
Enhanced Seismic Capabilities
ProtaStructure Suite 2024 introduces new seismic capabilities to help engineers design safe buildings in earthquake-prone regions. New features include:
- Nonlinear seismic isolators
- User-defined periods in EQS analysis
- Members not part of lateral system (vertical-only)
Leading BIM Integration
ProtaStructure Suite 2024 offers industry-leading BIM integration with bi-directional links to other leading BIM platforms. New updates include:
- Updated seamless IFC communication
- Pad footings and pile caps communicated with Autodesk Revit
- Improved analytical links with ETABS
Save the date for the Global Launch Webinar!
Don’t miss the Global Launch Webinar of ProtaStructure Suite 2024 on November 30, 2023, at 01:00 PM (CET). Join Prota Software Product Manager Mustafa TAN and Prota Software Ops. & Dev. Manager Altuğ Güler as they explore the essential new capabilities of ProtaStructure Suite in detail. Stay tuned to register this insightful event!