A high-definition platform, advanced technology, and seamless integration help improve asset team effectiveness in achieving superior decision-making results.
High-definition seismic acquisition and well log data are now common among oil and gas companies. But having spent significant amounts on acquiring the data, organizations still lack the tools to extract the deeper levels of information available. The challenge extends from data processing and imaging to tying to logs, performing interpretations, honoring complex geology in the model, and outputting it all into simulation.
With this in mind, and based on a long history of innovation, Paradigm has undertaken to create the first high-definition software platform to ensure that investments in data acquisition result in added value to drilling, completion and production.
- Work within a truly integrated ecosystem, for everything from well log analysis to seismic imaging, interpretation, and modeling.
Gain a deeper understanding of assets through the use of all available data in integrated workflows, including the consolidation of interpretation windows in a single application in SeisEarth®.
- Recover, process and visualize all available data from seismic for better imaging and property distribution.
- Use the multi-2D line framework for processing and imaging to maximize productivity and minimize manual intervention.
- Better identify sweet spots through advanced well log analysis
- Perform detailed interpretation of high angle and horizontal wells with the help of advanced 3D petrophysics, and use extended engineering capabilities to plan, complete, and produce with greater confidence.
- Benefit from Machine Learning technology to extrapolate property probabilities away from the well bore.
- Work within a truly integrated ecosystem, for everything from well log analysis to seismic imaging, interpretation, and modeling.
Gain a deeper understanding of assets through the use of all available data in integrated workflows, including the consolidation of interpretation windows in a single application in SeisEarth®.
- Recover, process and visualize all available data from seismic for better imaging and property distribution.
- Use the multi-2D line framework for processing and imaging to maximize productivity and minimize manual intervention.
- Better identify sweet spots through advanced well log analysis
- Perform detailed interpretation of high angle and horizontal wells with the help of advanced 3D petrophysics, and use extended engineering capabilities to plan, complete, and produce with greater confidence.
- Benefit from Machine Learning technology to extrapolate property probabilities away from the well bore.
How does Paradigm 17 help users increase workflow productivity and efficiency?
- Streamline data access, analysis and manipulation through integration.
- Improve productivity and effectiveness using multi-2D depth velocity model building workflows.
- Perform accurate, high-certainty seismic interpretation using detailed diffraction and specular images.
Consolidation of interpretation windows in a single application, resulting in improved cross-product integration, shorter work time and fewer button clicks..
- Paradigm 17 introduces Machine Learning technology into the Paradigm interpretation platform. Waveform facies classification powered by Stratimagic® is now part of the interpretation environment, to support daily tasks. A new-generation, supervised Machine Learning algorithm, rock-type classification, is also available to calibrate facies properties to high-definition facies logs.
- A new multi-line 2D framework significantly enhances user productivity while optimizing utilization of customer hardware.
- Production-oriented estimation and correction for effective Q, enabling enhanced broadband seismic workflows.
New volume fusion capabilities in VoxelGeo®, including a new mode – HSV (Hue Saturation Value) with opacity.
- Increase confidence in pore pressure models through the integration of borehole data and seismic velocities.
- Improve reservoir prediction by creating high-resolution facies models using probabilistic crossplotting tools or Machine Learning techniques.
- Enjoy synchronization between velocity model updates and the geologic model.
- Improved VVAZ/AVAZ analysis through enhancements to EarthStudy 360® Imager.
- Crossplot lithoseismic classification for quantifying uncertainty in lithofacies and fluid prediction.
- Quantitative Seismic Interpretation capabilities extended to Windows users.
- Increased interconnection with third-party solutions, including the closest integration in the industry to Halliburton OpenWorks® and Schlumberger Petrel*, as well as to many other third-party data stores.
- Direct transfer of seismic, well and interpretation data from the Epos database to Petrel (2015 and 2016)
- Connectivity to Petrel from standalone configurations of Geolog, VoxelGeo, Stratimagic and SKUA-GOCAD
- Link from SKUA-GOCAD to Dassault Systémes Abaqus geomechanical simulator for stratigraphic grids and solid models
- Direct access to Matlab™ code for Geolog users, enabling research work and custom calculations to be easily delivered to end users
- New ULA interface for batch loading data from OpenWorks and GeoFrame
“The Paradigm-Petrel link is literally a few clicks. It allows easy bulk transfer of a variety of interpretations, and most importantly, it rapidly migrates large, complex well databases for immediate use in the Paradigm suite.”
Tim Rady, London-based Oil & Gas Company
New Features
- New production oriented estimation and correction for effective Q
- New production oriented first break picking
- Improved 5D Fourier data regularization
- Updated coordinate storage and operations
- Marine slanted cable redatuming
- Multi-2D depth velocity model building workflows
- New 2D grid tomography workflow
- New QC tools for 2D grid tomography workflow
- New 2D Kirchhoff time migration
- Improvements to 3D velocity model building workflow
- Investigative full wave elastic modeling
EarthStudy 360
- 3D Gather Viewer enhancements
- Improvements in prestack RMO autopicker for EarthStudy 360 gathers
- New diffraction and specular operations in EarthStudy 360 Imager
- New internal operations in the 5D LAD domain
For details about what’s new in Processing and Imaging in Paradigm 17.
- Consolidation of 3D Canvas, Section and BaseMap interpretation windows into a single application.
- Machine Learning techniques; Waveform classification and rock type classification plug-ins for interpreters
- Vertical image visualization
- Global velocity models
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation
- Crossplot lithoseismic classification – from prestack inversion results to seismic lithofacies probability volumes
- Inversion stochastic refinements – use SKUA-GOCAD simulation technology to produce multiple, equally probable, high-resolution impedance volumes from inversion results
- Wedge/2D forward modeling workflow enhancements
- Improvements to QSI workflows
- Enhancements to AVO/AVAZ/VVAZ plot tool
- New capabilities in VoxelGeo Volume Fusion
Seismic Attributes
- New application to calculate pore pressure volumes from seismic interval velocities
- Support for attributes in the depth domain
- Split-track correlation of sinusoidal wells
For details about what’s new in Interpretation in Paradigm 17.
- New horizon modeling algorithm
- Geomechanics: New robust tessellation tools, link to Dassault Systèmes Abaqus® geomechanical simulator for stratigraphic grids and solid models
- Enhanced automation
- Improved connectivity to Epos
- New Petrel direct connector
For details about what’s new in Modeling in Paradigm 17.
- New Multimin Monte Carlo Uncertainty
- Full Waveform Sonic – New slowness frequency analysis module
- 3D Petrophysics: New functionality for interpretation in high-angle/ horizontal wells
- Rework of existing routine core analysis
- Engineering: Geomechanics extended to work in anisotropic conditions; production logging support for PVT data; casing inspection
- Cement evaluation workflow for performing cement evaluation alongside open hole logs
- Direct access to Matlab™ code from within Geolog through Loglan
- User interface and display improvements
- Additional data loading formats
- Interactive visualize of geological structures in 3D
- Videos available in Help documentation
- Extended Connectivity: Import completions from Peloton WellView®; Geolog-Petrel connectivity updated to Petrel 2016
For details about what’s new in Formation Evaluation in Paradigm 17.
- Extended direct third-party connectivity
- Direct access to Matlab code from Geolog through Loglan
- Import of vertical images as 2D seismic
For details about what’s new in Data Connectivity and Management in Paradigm 17.
(*is a mark of Schlumberger)