EMTP is constantly being improved to achieve highest accuracy levels and computational performance. New models and features are added to deliver to the users the most up to date analysis capabilities for modern power systems. Applications include small and large scale power system problems.
EMTP is constantly being improved to achieve highest accuracy levels and computational performance. New models and features are added to deliver to the users the most up to date analysis capabilities for modern power systems. Applications include small and large scale power system problems.
1. New models
New detailed Current Transformer (CT), Voltage Transformer (VT) and Capacitive Voltage Transformer (CVT) models are added to the «Transformers library» in both 1-phase and 3-phase versions. The models are based on IEEE and ANSI standards and include nonlinear properties (saturation).
3-phase CT in a network with protective relay
CT model user interface
2. EMTPWorks improvements
Bundles are easier than ever! It is now possible to connect directly into bundles without using breakouts. New options allow to create and modify connection pins and signals. The new «Bundle Connection» window make easier the connection and routing of bundles containing numerous signals. It helps the user to efficiently build complex multivariable control systems.
New bundle-to-bundle connection window. Colors represent the status of the connection
Bundle to signal connection without breakout
Other new features include:
New capability to handle rotations of pictures in device symbols
New option to maintain connections and reroute lines when rotating devices
New option for maintaining connections when building subcircuits
New option to check device name uniqueness
General improvements in progress bar operation, displaying text title with percent bar
Improvements in port connector placement and orientation in «Make Subcircuit» command
Better presentation and options in symbol preview panel
Many new scripting methods for various applications, including design, device and library functions.
New example showing how to export automatically simulation results in a Matlab data file (.mat)
3. FMI Toolbox
EMTP is now compatible with the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard.
The aim of the FMI is to standardize data exchange between different simulation tools.
The list of compatible tools is available on www.fmi-standard.org and includes :
EMTP is compatible with the FMI Standard for co-simulation as master (version 1.0 and version 2.0) and as slave (version 2.0). It is an easy to use interface between prototyping tools like Matlab/Simulink or Modelica and EMTP which let you benefit from the best of each environment.
FMU from Dymola in EMTP
4. New additional Toolboxes (require specific licence)
Protection Toolbox
This new toolbox opens new doors for the simulation and analysis of protection systems. Both steady-state and time-domain simulation options are available. All relay, fuse and thermal element models are solved in time-domain with nonlinear functions, such as CT, VT and CVT magnetization. This new implementation for EMTP allows to achieve highest levels of accuracy for protection coordination and analysis of performance with highly accurate power system models.
The power system may include many details ranging from power electronics models, HVDC transmission models and wind generation combined with traditional generation and transmission. There are no limitations! The relays can capture transients, harmonics, and various effects from power electronics based device controls.
Setting protection systems for renewable energies is finally made easy with the new EMTP Protection Toolbox. The user can study any power system including inverted based devices for coordinating power-swing detection, distance protections, the interruption of currents by current-limiting fuses or determination of transformer differential protection settings.
Exciters and Governors Library
This new Exciters and Governors library contains 30 standard models for governors, exciters and power system stabilizers. It includes various models from the IEEE Standard 421.5-2005 “IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Models for Power System Stability Studies”:
• Excitation limiter: Over Excitation Limiter OEL1B, Under Excitation Limiter UEL1
The models are built to be easily interfaced with Synchronous machine models in EMTP.
Each device comes with its own user-interface, comprehensive documentation, and is automatically initialized from EMTP steady-state and load-flow solutions. The control diagram of each device is fully customizable. New exciter, governor and stabilizer models are being added continuously and will become available in the future releases of this toolbox.
LIOV Toolbox
The LIOV (Lightning-Induced OverVoltage) code allows the calculation of lightning induced overvoltages on multiconductor lines above a lossy soil as a function of the line geometry, lightning current waveshape, stroke location, return-stroke velocity and soil electrical parameters. In order to deal with distribution networks having complex, realistic topology and configuration, the LIOV code has been interfaced with the Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP).
The LIOV code has been validated by means of several experimental data, related to natural and triggered lightning experiments, and by means of Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Simulators and reduced scale models. The analysis of more complex system configurations composed by several lines and power components can be dealt with by using the LIOV-EMTP module.
Simulink Toolbox
The new Simulink® Toolbox allows to import any Simulink® models, regardless of its complexity, into EMTP designs using two clicks. Minimum intervention from the user is required and the procedure only takes few minutes!
Using the appropriate Matlab® / Simulink® toolboxes and a compiler, a DLL is automatically created and used by this import tool to create the EMTP model with all the necessary connections (pins). Vectors, complex and real signals can be interfaced with EMTP. It is also possible to define tunable parameters in the Simulink® model and to assign them in EMTP.
This Toolbox streamlines many complex tasks for building and exporting models built in Matlab / Simulink®. The Simulink® based models can be rapidly connected to complex EMTP networks and benefit from the available and unique computational performance and models for large scale power system simulations.
Simulation of power systems transients has never been so easy!
EMTP-RV is a full-featured and technically advanced simulation and analysis software for power system transients.
The package is a sophisticated computer program for the simulation of electromagnetic, electromechanical and control systemstransients in multiphase electric power systems. EMTP-RV includes:
An advanced, yet easy-to-use graphical user interface that maximizes the capabilities of the underlying EMTP-RV engine.EMTPWorks provides many customization and scripting options and one can easily adapt it to match its unique needs.
A powerful and super-fast computational engine that provides significantly improved solution methods for nonlinear models, control systems, and user-defined models. Time-domain simulations are initialized from unbalanced multi-phase load-flow.
An advanced visualization and advanced mathematical post-processing tool. ScopeView is a data acquisition and signal processing software very well adapted for the visualization and the analysis of EMTP-RV simulation results.
A well-documented and comprehensive library of components and function blocks that allow the user to easily realize complete and complex power system studies.
Simulation of single-phase fault in an unbalanced 230kV Network. Simulation is automatically initialized from EMTP Unbalanced multi-phase load-flow results.
CIGRE DC GRID Test System. See the following reference for details: “EMT simulation of the CIGRE B4 DC Grid test system” S. Dennetière H. Saad RTE France. 2014 CIGRE Canada Conference
Ferroresonance in an industrial plant
ScopeView is an advanced tool for visualization and post-processing of data
Example of parametric studies performed using EMTPWorks scripting capabilities (JavaScript)
Simulation options
Transients, Stability and Load-flow in the same software!
With EMTP-RV, complex problems become simple to work out! EMTP-RV is suited for the analysis of any power system with several simulation options.
Time domain solution
Steady-state solution
Frequency scans
Time-domain solution
EMTP-RV uses state-of-the-art algorithms and unique techniques such as MANA (Modified Augmented Nodal Analysis), iterations to solve non-linearity and sparse matrix solver. From electromagnetic to electromechanical transients, calculations are lightning fast regardless of the size and the complexity of the power system. Moreover, EMTP simulations are super easy to configure and don’t require external compilers.
Example of a large power system simulated in EMTP (more than 20000 devices). Model includes HVDC converters and wind turbines.
EMTP-RV includes a comprehensive library of control blocks and a cutting-edge control system solver. For improved numerical stability, numerical delays due to nonlinear feedback loops are eliminated using advanced algorithms. Additionally, it is possible to import Simulink® models in EMTP using the EMTP Simulink Toolbox (LINK).
IEEEG3 Governor control system model. Control system is automatically initialized from steady-state and load-flow results.
EMTP includes a multi-phase and unbalanced Load-Flow solver. Load-Flow can be used to start time-domain simulation directly in steady-state. Network state variables and machine controls are automatically initialized even when the network includes unbalanced transmission lines or unbalanced loading. Multiphase load-flow constraint data is entered using specific Load-Flow devices and is layered over the network simulated in time-domain. Any network can be augmented with Load-Flow devices without any other manipulations.
Example of load-flow initialization
The main purpose of the steady-state solution in EMTP is to initialize the network state variables for minimizing the natural response at start-up in time-domain. When available, the steady-state is based on the load-flow solution.
Frequency Scan
In frequency scan, all source frequencies are varied using the given frequency range and the network steady-state solution is found at each frequency. Frequency scan can be used to determine system resonance and to design harmonic filters.
Example of frequency scan results. The system input impedance at the PCC of an industrial plant is calculated from 0 to 500Hz.