
MIDAS GTS NX 2024 full cracked release

Original price was: $ 180.00.Current price is: $ 160.00.

MIDAS GTS NX is a comprehensive finite element analysis software package that is equippedto handle the entire range of geotechnical design applications including deep foundations,excavations, complex tunnel systems, seepage analysis, consolidation analysis, embankmentdesign, dynamic and slope stability analysis. GTS NX also has an advanced user friendlymodeling platform that enables unmatched levels of precision and efficiency. Asthe next generation geotechnical analysis software, midas GTS NX features the newestdevelopment in cutting-edge computer graphics and analysis technology. GTS NX fullysupports the latest 64-bit OS Graphic user interface. The intuitive interface willenable new users to easily integrate the software in their work process. The fastanalysis speed, outstanding graphics, and output capabilities will provide userswith a new and advanced level of geotechnical design.

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Solution for All Analysis Types

With GTS NX you will no longer need to rely on several different geotechnical programsto perform various analyses. Instead you will be able to use GTS NX to perform anytype of geotechnical analysis application . GTS NX can perform both single and grouppile interaction as well as complex tunnel analysis in either 2D or 3D. Linear staticanalysis, seepage, soil structure interaction, SRM slope stability analysis anda wide range of dynamic analysis applications can be done as well.

Powerful Post-Processor

Through its advanced graphic processing engine, GTS NX provides a variety of outputmethods for users to visualize and extract their analysis results. The extensiveoutput options present results in an elegant and comprehensible form.