Fast, accurate scenario planning, including new tools for drill and blast configuration, are just some of the exciting enhancements MICROMINE has incorporated into the latest version of its market-leading exploration and 3D mine design mine software.
The company’s newest release – Micromine 2020.5 – is an interim upgrade but it packs more than 100 improvements into its sophisticated toolkit. The enhancements mean more power and big productivity gains for users with new tools to create, optimise and evaluate different scenarios, saving users significant time when it comes to producing complex and precise mine designs and development plans.
The latest software features intuitive tools to speed up design planning and 3D visualisation, with the inclusion of new VizEx design objects, for Ring Design, Blast Hole Design, Pit Design and Underground Design.
There are also dedicated tools for creating patterns within the bounds of dig block that accommodates polygons/blast masters of varying shapes.
Highlights in the sophisticated modular toolkit include:
- Ring Design – twelve new features and new tools for importing and working with as-drilled drill-hole data. This provides faster and more intuitive control over underground ring drill and blast design, enabling designs to quickly adapt to changes in the field, identifying drilling inefficiencies and improving design protocols. Other features include the ability to bulk delete drill-holes; add stand-off to ring drill-holes; use solid wireframes to generate development centrelines; modify ring design drives using as-blasted data; and improvements to labelling and ring plots.
- Surface Blast Design – six new features including an intuitive tool that mirrors the terrain of a blast face and speeds up the process of creating blast-hole patterns within the bounds of the dig block. It accommodates polygons/blast masters of varying shapes, reducing the need for manual adjustment. Other features include enhanced reporting and plotting options; improvements to the Charge Calculation tool; and new options to design and assign custom attributes to drill-holes.
- Grade Control tool – two new features provide dynamic updating of grade control reports to enable faster design preparation and reserve evaluation, while also allowing miners to explore variations in dig block configuration and evaluate the ramifications of design changes.
While the new features enhance the software’s usability and enable more precise designs to be created, the improved technology also helps boost the bottom line.
MM2020.5 delivers the functionality and flexibility needed to optimise a mine’s operations and profitability. Its sophisticated tools help miners minimise operating costs and calculate the ultimate pit to maximise net present value (NPV) for the entire life of mine.
- New personal Workspaces ensures safer file handling and improve performance with shared network projects
- New Chart Presentation Framework enables users to display multiple chart types on a single canvas
- Clear your workspace! Users can now close multiple files, charts, etc. at once, via the Display Pane
- New Boustrophedon hole numbering numbers holes “turning like oxen”, ideal for when the rig turns at the end of each line
- Dozens of workflow, performance, and flexibility changes to the drillhole log, including more streamlined interaction, simpler layout changes, and selection syncing
- File Modify is now aware of measurement units and can display different UTF8 formats
- Variography now includes new variogram types for resource estimation calculations, including Correlogram, Covariance, Madogram, Rodogram, and Relative Variogram
Users can now dynamically edit display properties directly in the Properties pane
- Micromine now supports co-variograms and Cokriging
- Vizex GIS: GIS layers can now display line labels
- Improved speed and smoothness of Implicit Modelling for vein and contact models; improved quality of the output wireframes
- Length Grade Compositing now includes an option to split original intervals symmetrically around ore
- The stereonet can now display the upper hemisphere projection
- Numerous changes to charts, including better visualisation, key fields, and better annotations
- The top Cut now supports weighted values
- Users can now dynamically edit display properties directly in the Properties pane
- Improved handling of large point clouds in Vizex
- Improvements to the Stratigraphic modeling workflow
- A new, fast gridding algorithm
- New Delete Drillholes tool facilitates deletion of holes from any ring design object
- Drillhole Fan tool function can now incorporate standoff in ring drillholes
- New Solid to Centerline allows Generates development centreline from solid wireframes
- Added support for importing and working with As-Drilled drillhole data in Ring Design
- New tool for modifying production drives in ring designs based on As-blasted data
- New options for labelling ring drillholes allow for more flexible labelling of ring design object
- Improvements to Ring Renumbering tool enabled more flexible renumbering
- New options in Ring Options enable the inclusion of new Drive and Database Summary tables to ring plot files
- Additions to reporting options and plot files templates for more comprehensive blast plots & reporting
- New Create pattern within Polygon : dedicated tool for creating patterns within the bounds of dig block polygons/blast masters of varying shapes
- New options to define and assign custom attributes to drillholes
- Add Block Name field to Create Blast Pattern form
- Convert underground laser scan surveys into wireframes representing your underground mine
- Micromine’s survey technology now allows for the handling of large point clouds in Vizex
- New functionality to convert underground laser scan surveys into wireframes that represent the underground workings
- Input parameters have been kept to a minimum and on-the-fly downsampling boosts performance while maintaining the integrity of the raw point cloud data
- Import and process data in the same application
- Ability to preview and interactively modify the cutting grid
- Added ability to write length attribute to tunnel solids when generating in centreline to solid
- New option to Centreline to Solid – can be used to create non-overlapping tunnel solids at intersection points of centerlines
- Revamped Task Properties form
- Added ability to edit task properties via the Properties Window
- Added options to Task Attributes form for controlling how task attribute values are calculated for reporting.
- New Gantt chart display options allow for customization task display(eg. adding labels, colour coding, date/time formatting of task grid)
- Faster built-in solver with support for multiple processor cores.
- Support for Gurobi 9.0 solver
- Produce attributed, non-overlapping stage solids
- Export input parameters to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- Define 3D stope shape interactively on block model grid
- Assign attribute from centreline string to attribute of anchored stope wireframes
- Export input parameters to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.