PetroMod 2023 cracked license release

$ 180.00

PetroMod petroleum systems modeling (PSM) software combines seismic, well, and geological information to model the evolution of a sedimentary basin. The software predicts if, and how, a reservoir has been charged with hydrocarbons, including the source and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration routes, quantities, and hydrocarbon type in the subsurface or at surface conditions.


Petroleum systems models (1D, 2D, or 3D) can cover multiple scales ranging from a single charge area for a prospect to regional studies of entire basins to multi-basin resource assessments. The models are dynamic, which means they provide a complete record of the structural evolution, temperature, and pressure history, as well as the effects on generation, migration, accumulation, and eventual loss of oil and gas by top seal leakage through geologic time. Properties such as gas/oil ratios (GOR) and API gravities can be predicted and analyzed.

Petroleum systems modeling (PSM) is a vital component of exploration risk assessment—from basin to prospect. It can be applied during all stages of exploration, from frontier basins with no well control, to well-explored areas and charge assessments of single prospects or fields. The 3D petroleum systems model includes all the key elements of geological risk in exploration (trap, reservoir, charge, seal, and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration, and loss) and enables rigorous risk analyses. Even in more mature fields, charge risk on a prospect scale is an essential component of a fully integrated risk assessment.

Product overview

PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software consists of several modules that perform mathematical and physical calculations, for quantitative modeling of geological processes in sedimentary basins on geological time scales. The primary application of this technology is to obtain pore fluid pressure, rock properties, and temperature distribution, accounting for the compaction of the sediments.

The PetroMod software suite is the most advanced, commercially available fluid migration modeling technology, and the only commercial system with fully PVT-controlled modeling of n-component, three-phase relationships during the entire migration process at basin scale. Multiple simulation methods, Darcy, flow path, invasion percolation, and algorithms combining these methods in one approach are available. The migration modeling technology applies flash calculations throughout the entire model and its geological history.

For decades, the PetroMod software suite has been the primary application in petroleum system modeling, to assess the risk associated with the different elements of petroleum systems and geological/geochemical processes in a sedimentary basin. This includes the source and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration pathways, quantities, and type of hydrocarbons in the subsurface and at surface conditions. Thus, PetroMod software provides essential information for the exploration risk assessment workflows.

The most recent advancements, of the PetroMod software basin modeling simulator, target the evaluation of the physical and chemical trapping mechanisms of CO2 in saline aquifers at basin scale, providing relevant information for the screening of suitable CO2 storage sites. Furthermore, PetroMod software basin modeling technology can be used to explore other resources in sedimentary basins, such as natural hydrogen, and geothermal systems.

PetroMod software is well integrated within Petrel subsurface software and leverages cloud computing and digital workflows through the Delfi digital platform.

PetroMod 2023 is also available on the Delfi platform as part of Domain profiles on Delfi.

Release details

PetroMod 2023 combines a state-of-the-art user interface with high simulation performance enabling you to perform sophisticated analyses of the dynamic temperature, pressure, and migration history of complex geological systems in a fast, and intuitive process-focused workflow.

Key features and enhancements in this release:

  • IP Express: this new tool has been created based on the IP Tester. In IP Express, the invasion percolation algorithm has been decoupled from the pressure/temperature (P/T) simulator to be run within 3D seismic volumes of up to 2 billion cells size. This application was primarily created for carbon storage site assessment but can be also used for hydrocarbon migration testing. The tool has been designed to be used with minimum data requirements, i.e., one seismic cube, but additional seismic cubes can be included in the simulation if available. You need a 3D advanced migration license to run IP Express.
  • Advection (beta version): to expand the simulator capabilities, of modelling CO2 storage in saline aquifers, the existing diffusion equation has been extended to include advection.

Other features and enhancements in this release:

Carbon storage workflows

The following improvements and new features related to carbon storage workflows have been implemented.

  • Free phase adsorption in the simulator interface
  • New vertical and horizontal modes in the component injection table
  • Phase diagram for pure CO2 simulations
  • Injection pressure (beta version)

Kinetics editor

  • Extended search functionalities
  • Vitrinite reflectance as y-axis option in the generation curves and transformation ratio plots

Lithology editor

  • Extended search functionalities

Command menu

  • Redesigned and merged tabs
  • Project browser—new features

Nested models

  • New format for boundary conditions files
  • Improved model building workflow

User experience improvements

  • Multiple drop
  • Mouse-wheel zooming
  • And many others…

HPC Job Launcher (Delfi platform only)

  • Several improvements and new features