Save time with smart, easy-to-use tools designed by engineers who use the software every day. With a high-performance, self-contained GIS engine at its core, you can efficiently analyze systems, synthesize, develop and validate models, and make informed decisions.
Benefit from flexible, open software
PCSWMM is designed to fit into your existing software ecosystem, and with its open standard data formats, sharing your work with clients and colleagues is effortless. PCSWMM’s open source engine is far from a black box, so you can rest assured you’re working with transparent and trustworthy code.
Say Goodbye to Limits
PCSWMM has no limits on model size or complexity and is optimized to handle millions of time series data points and hundreds of thousands of entities. No matter how large or small your model is, you can efficiently utilize all your data at a fraction of the cost of comparable software.
The perfect platform for exploring your best ideas
Release Note
- New SWMM engines
- Improvements and optimizations
- Bug fixes
- Support SWMM 5.2.2, SWMM 5.2.3 and SWMM 5.2.4
- Add street editor
- Add inlet editor
- Add inlet usage editor
- Add None to the Normal Flow Criterion
- Support Raingage, Variable and Expression in Control rule editor
- Support Inlet object for Conduits
- Support street cross-section type for Conduits
- Add a new conduit property: inlet usage
- Draw inlets and connectivity on the Conduits layer
- Add “Show conduit inlets” option to the preferences dialog
- A Type 5 variable speed pump
- Support pre-defined shapes for Storage Units with the attributes MajorLength, MinorLength, SideSlope and Height
- Support the Rain Barrel LID covered property
- In Climatology – Temperature tab add more options for GHCN climate files
- Table panel now supports
- Street object table
- Inlet and inlet usage table
- Add “Covered” attribute to rain barrel table
- Add the four new attributes to Storages table
- Details panel changes to support new objects and attributes:
- Compare default
- Compare scenarios
- Pull from other scenarios
- SRTC changes to support new objects and attributes
- Support the four new attributes of the Storage layer
- Support Streets
- Support Inlets
- Support Inlet usages
- Import support for new objects/attributes
- Push changes support for new objects/attributes
- Street flow summary table added to the status report
- Perform model content compatibility check when switching to an earlier version of the SWMM engine
- Improvements to Python Scripting:
- Move Scripting Editor to a panel
- Add JupyterLab support (launch via a button in the scripting panel) uses Python 3.10.10
- Standardize scripting to Python version 3.10.10 (other versions can be specified via Environments editor)
- Install Python 3.10.10 with PCSWMM along with the following common Python libraries:
- jupyterlab==3.6.3
- numpy==1.24.2
- scipy==1.10.1
- matplotlib==3.7.1
- sympy==1.11.1
- pandas==1.5.3
- shapely==2.0.1
- requests==2.28.2
- openai==0.27.2
- openpyxl==3.1.2
- ipywidgets==8.0.5
- ipydatagrid==1.1.15
- ipyleaflet==0.17.2
- geojson==3.0.1
- ipympl==0.9.3
- textwrap3==0.9.2
- geopy==2.3.0
- lxml==4.9.2
- black==23.1.0
- jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-CN==3.6.post1
- jupyterlab-language-pack-fr-FR==3.6.post1
- jupyterlab-language-pack-es-ES==3.6.post1
- voila==0.4.0
- plotly==5.14.1
- ipyflex==0.2.6
- numba==0.57.1
- Add an option to the Create Installer tool to encrypt scripts to a .pyb file (protects critical scripts from being changed and the code from being viewed)
- Add Script File Properties dialog for setting script tags, etc.
- Add “Clear Startup” and “Close All” menu item to the Scripting panel
- Support adding a WebView2 browser to pyForm for more advanced JavaScript support
- Add PyForm.add_webview2()
- Support adding tab control to PyForm
- Add PyForm.add_tab_control() to return PyTabControl type
- Add PyTabControl.add_page() to return PyTabPage type
- Change PyLayer.get_entities() so that “Touches” works the same as the Select by location tool
- Add PyGeometry.smooth() to support smoothing line entities
- Add PyLayer.CategoryOrder[] to support ordering attribute category
- Add support for in-memory layer in PyGIS.add_layer()
- Add PyAttribute.Readonly to support results attribute
- Add pcpy.PCSWMMFolder to retrieve the folder PCSWMM was installed to
- Support icon button: add_icon_button(image_name)
- Support placeholder in PyAttribute.Units
- Support for opening and returning data from a raster layer
- Add pcpy.Map.RasterLayers – return a dictionary of raster layers (key = layer name, value = PyRasterLayer object)
- Add pcpy.Map.RasterLayer – get a raster layer by name, PyRasterLayer object
- Add pcpy.Map.open_layer (layer_name) – return a PyRasterLayer object
- Add PyRasterLayer
- Add PyPixel class
- Add PyRasterLayer.get_pixels(PyGeometry shape, double buffer_distance = 0)
- Add PyRasterLayer.get_pixels(PyExtent extent)
- Add PyRasterLayer.get_pixel(int row, int column)
- Add PyRasterLayer.get_pixel(TGIS_Point point)
- Add PyRasterLayer.interpolate(TGIS_Point point)
- Add a pcpy.exit_pcswmm() method for closing the application
- Expose map extent to PCSWMMpy (pcpy.Map.VisibleExtent, pcpy.Map.Extent, pcpy.SWMM.Extent, pcpy.EPANET.Extent, PyLayer.Extent)
- Add pcpy.Extent(double min_x, double max_x, double min_y, double max_y) that returns PyExtent
- Add PyExtent.inflate(double dx, double dy)
- Add PyExtent.union(PyExtent extent)
- Add PyExtent.intersect(PyExtent extent)
- Add PyExtent.get_geometry()
- Support running a Python script in the same thread as the PCSWMM UI (# tag: NotRunInThread)
- Add Python script support for the new features in SWMM 5.2
- Add pcpy.SWMM.Streets
- Add PyStreet
- Add pcpy.SWMM.Inlets
- Add PyInlet
- Add PyInletUsage
- Add pcpy.SWMM.InletUsage() to return PyInletUsage
- Add PyConduit.Street
- Add PyConduit.Inlet
- Add MajorLength, MinorLength, SideSlope and Height to PyStorage
- Add UnitsType to PyTemperature (pcpy.SWMM.Climatology.Temperature.UnitsType)
- Add Covered to PyRainBarrel
- Support pre-defined shapes for Storages
- Support Type 5 variable speed pump
- Support None in the Normal Flow Criterion
- Improve the Control Rules editor for SWMM5 projects
- Code highlighting and intellisense
- Validate rules and show errors in red
- Don’t sort rules
- Add drag and drop support to re-order rules
- Add Conduits to the filter list
- Improve the Simple Control editor for EPANET projects
- Code highlighting and intellisense
- Validate rules and show errors in red
- Improve PCSWMM’s support for being run remotely (e.g in a cloud computing environment)
- Remove post-processing option from 2D dialog (always do it)
- Add the ability to fully create the .chi file from scratch for externally created input files
- Support argument in command line to run a script after a project is open
- Support closing the PCSWMM application in a script
- Improve command line to support redirect output to a log file
- Support additional command line options and arguments:
- -f to specify a project to open
- -s to specify a script to run
- -u to activate license
- -d to deactivate license
- Update the Scenario Push Changes tool
- Provide optional control over which attributes are pushed/updated
- Add ability to push user-defined attributes
- Add ability to push ARM subcatchments
- Add ability to save push configuration as a Favorite for quick recall
- Support customization of the default print preview page layout for map, graph, and profile
- Improve printing status/details (not blocking GUI)
- Improve to WGS coordinate system support
- Update X/Y field decimals to 6 digits when reprojecting a project to WGS
- Update vertices in the input file when opening an older version of project using WGS
- Add transparency capability to the layer properties for pixel/image layers
- Add another capability to the length mode for the Split tool for links
- Add keyboard shortcut to panel menus (Alt + M)
- Add keyboard shortcuts for Jump to next surcharge event in the Profile panel (Alt + J)
- Keep blank row at bottom of grids to make it easier to append data in the Transect Editor grid
- Support ARM in scenario runs
- Add Edit mode “Simplify” to the Map panel
- Add Edit mode “Densify” to the Map panel
- Add Stitch Editing tool in the Graph panel
- Add new tool “Raster to Polygon”
- Add back support for Direct 2D
- Support save/load rendering properties for all layers in the project (in Layer Properties dialog)
- Hydromodification tool improvements:
- detailed report
- plot Q2-Q10 year thresholds
- Hydromodification report can now be saved to a PDF file
- Allow middle button panning of map under Edit/Add mode in the Map panel
- Use WebView2 control for the News page, Help page and the Workbook step-by-step exercises
- Convert Script Editor to a panel (for more flexibility) and update scripting tool bar
- Support resizing project/attributes panels (width of left and right panels in the main PCSWMM window)
- Make change to the Dual Drainage Creator tool to support the new streets and inlets
- Make changes to the list of Error functions:
- Add Pearson Correlation Coefficient
- Add Mean Absolute Percentage Error
- Add Median Absolute Percentage Error
- Remove Coefficient of Determination
- Remove Standard Error of Estimate
- Check before running a 2D model and show a warning if all nodes/links are not set to report (Simulation Options > Reporting)
- Add support for storage polygons in the Storage creator tool
- Rewrite fire flow analysis tool
- Change EPANET Junction Demand Category attribute to read-only
- Change Subcatchment LID controls attribute to read-only for multiple selection
- Add Huff type Edmonton design storms
- Update Chicago type Edmonton design storms
- Do not include units for the Rainfall column and axis in the Design Storm Creator if no SWMM project with units is opened
- SQLite update (from 3.39.1 to 3.40.0)
- Fix Voronoi decomposition for Numeric attributes = Blank
- Fix one issue where shared favorites could be deleted if they are being edited in multiple PCSWMM instances
- Fix one issue related to saving data to the .db file
- Fix one issue with IDF analysis tool and auto-selecting events
- Fix one issue that can cause the Freeboard attribute to not be correct after unpacking project
- Fix one issue that can cause PCSWMM to hang at the end of installation
- Fix one issue that can cause PCSWMM to hang when using the WDT tool
- Fix one issue that can cause ARM subcatchments to be lost after opening an older version of the project
- Fix one issue that can cause duplicate events when Auto Selecting Events
- Fix one issue that can prevent pollutant results from being saved in the _2D_cells_Results table
- Fix one issue that can cause the X and Y coordinates in the attributes panel to be different than the table
- Fix one issue that can cause SWMM5 layers to not be shown in the extent manager
- Fix one issue in r-squared error calculation for Scatter plots
- Fix one issue that can prevent the bookmark from being shown after switching scenario in the Status panel
- Fix one issue in which the scenario report might not be shown after project is open
- Fix one issue that can cause PCSWMM to hang when saving the input file after deleting a link in a saved profile
- Fix one issue: column order not saved in the table favorite
- Fix one issue: that can cause a SWMM run to not use available CPU cores and thus run slower
- Fix one issue in reading project title: do not read header as title
- Fix one issue in control rules: Link MaxDepth should be FullDepth
- Fix one issue: pcpy.EPANET.Options.Quality.Parameter = ‘Chlorine’ will throw an error
- Fix one issue in print preview: map extents blank