… Intuitive, rapid setup and guided workflows take the complexity out of tactical mine planning, putting real decision-making power back in the hands of engineers and mining operations.
MineSched produces long and short-term schedules that meet capacity and material quality targets.
Schedule from pre-created block, grid, and polygon models that originate from many different mine planning systems, including GEOVIA Surpac™ and other industry geology and mine planning products.
With target-driven automated tactical planning, there’s no need to manually adjust schedules with Gantt charts or spreadsheets.
MineSched creates schedules that improve mine site operational productivity and profitability.

- Achieve scheduling objectives by quickly and easily creating and comparing scheduling scenarios.
- Increase productivity and efficiency by directly reading from all of the popular mine planning solutions or combinations thereof for a data-conversion-free advanced scheduling user experience.
- Reduce mining costs by preparing practical schedules through the use of rules, constraints and capacity targets.
- Lower processing costs by meeting your feed grade requirements through target scheduling algorithms.
- Validate schedules by visualizing them in 3D animations and sharing them via the standalone Interactive Viewer application.
- Collaborate with others by publishing your schedule results to Microsoft® Excel® and Microsoft® Project®.
GEOVIA MineSched™ provides scheduling for surface and underground mines of all sizes and types, improving productivity
and profits beyond what’s possible with manual scheduling.
The MineSched 2019 release enhances tactical scheduling for sublevel caving (SLC) operations by enabling short-term
planners to produce short-term and long-term development schedules that align with their production schedules to meet
capacity and material quality targets. It also provides underground short-term planners the ability to quickly and accurately
create schedules from ring designs.
Allowing rings to be imported and grouped under a mining location name.
Grouping SDM files as a single model.
This new feature enables planners in SLC development to import ring designs, define activities and precedences, and create a combined schedule for both development and
production, making scheduling easier with more accurate reporting.
This workflow adds the ability to import rings in the SDM format, either from GEMS or Surpac Stope Slicer, which include the attributes MineSched requires to create the tactical
plan, such as material, volume, grade, and sequence.
Key Features
• Import rings in SDM format with attributes to create the tactical plan
• Easier scheduling with the ability to create a development schedule that matches production design, including automatically applying precendences
• Prepare practical schedules with rules, constraints, and capacity scenarios, which can be quickly and easily compared
• Create a development schedule that matches production design, including automatically applying precedences
With this enhanced workflow, underground planners and schedulers create their tactical schedule with the ring attributes included in the SDM file, rather than requiring the block model.
The attributes available with each ring produce more accurate schedules and eliminate the need to recalculate the attributes when creating locations smaller than a block.
Key Features
• Create tactical schedules with the ring attributes included in the SDM file, accelerating the process from design to scheduling
• Avoid creating (or importing) block models when they are not needed
Operating System Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 64-bit
Microsoft® Windows® 10 SP1 64-bit (version 1709 and 1803)
Recommended: Microsoft® Windows® 10 64-bit (version1803)
Minimum 16 GB
Recommended: 32 GB+
Processor Intel Core i5 2.3Ghz Quad Core 64-bit
Recommended: i7/Xeon 2.66 GHz+ Quad core 64-bit
Disk Drives 7200 RPM SATA III or SAS 10,000 RPM (for data) + SSD (for Windows and applications)
Graphics Adaptor Nvidia GeForce GTX series or similar DirectX 9 or OpenGL 2.0 compatible card
Recommended: Nvidia Quadro 2000, 4000, 6000 series or similar DirectX 11 or OpenGL 2.0 comp. card
Monitor 20″ LCD flat panel Screen Resolution: 1920 × 1080 LED
Network Standard 100/1000 Mbps if network license is used
For more information email [email protected].
Office Suite Microsoft® Office 10 32-bit or 64-bit Recommended: Microsoft® Office 10 64-bit
USB Ports Minimum one USB port (for local license users)